
Annual Exam

An annual wellness exam is strongly recommended, even if you feel fine. This is how we achieve great health. It is much easier to correct or avoid health issues early on before they become problems. A wellness exam is an opportunity to craft a preventative health care plan for yourself.

What exactly is an annual wellness exam?

An annual wellness exam is a head-to-toe exam that is intended for health maintenance. The focus is on preventative medicine, but we may make initial plans for further evaluation of additional issues that arise during the exam. This is also a good time to refill your ongoing medications for the year, such as hormones, birth control, and antivirals.

Can I address other issues at my annual exam?

Yes and no. The annual wellness exam is for wellness, as it is named. However, it is not uncommon for patients to also have additional concerns or problems that need to be addressed. We will always do our best to provide most the complete care, but additional follow up appointments may be needed, depending on what issues are present. It’s always ok to schedule a problem visit and a separate annual exam to be sure we have enough time to properly evaluate and treat any health concerns.

Will my annual exam include a pap and Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) testing?

This depends on your age and previous pap history. Sometimes we can find records of your previous pap, depending on when and where it was last completed. We are always happy to review your previous pap records if done with an outside provider. Knowing your HPV vaccine status is also very helpful when we are planning your care.

Will my annual exam include labs?

Maybe. It depends on your age and health concerns. Some labs are considered preventative medicine and are well covered in this visit. It will always be recommended that you check your insurance benefits to know what is specifically covered for you by your plan.

Do I need to have a physical exam for my annual?

While a physical exam is traditionally considered part of an annual exam, there are times when some patients will decline the physical exam or parts of the exam. Please always review any concerns with your practitioner, as we are trauma-informed and are very prepared to support you. Our goal is to remove any potential barriers that might keep you from your best health, and we always aim to create the safest space to meet your needs."