
Sexual Health

Sexual health encompasses both physical and mental health. It is not limited to just the reproductive years. It incorporates not only disease and dysfunction, but also safety and satisfaction. Sexual healthcare should be free from bias and discrimination and support personal choices and autonomy to reproduce if they choose.

Is there anything to help with painful sex?

Absolutely! There are many causes of sexual pain. A careful health history and physical exam to further evaluate is often needed. Some lab tests and imaging may be helpful depending on the presenting symptoms. Other types of practitioners may also be utilized to address the causes of pain with sex, such as a pelvic floor therapist, sex therapist and/or a sex coach. Treatment of any infections, hormonal issues and musculoskeletal dysfunction is essential to improve sexual function.

Is there anything to help decreased libido?

Again, absolutely! Decreased libido can have many causes and layers of complexity. A careful health history is critical to making improvements. There are many things that can impact libido such as certain medications, hormonal issues, stress, strained relationships, fatigue, chronic illness and physical impairments. Open communication between patient and provider is essential to develop an effective plan of action and a safe environment to make progress.